Definition of Open secret

1. Noun. Something that is supposed to be secret but is generally known. "Their love affair was an open secret"

Generic synonyms: Secret

Definition of Open secret

1. Noun. A fact that is widely known, but not acknowledged openly. ¹

2. Noun. (dated) Information that is not widely known, despite being freely available. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Open Secret

open problems
open proxy
open proxy server
open razor
open razors
open reading frame
open reading frames
open rectangle
open reduction of fractures
open relationships
open sandwich
open sea
open season
open seating
open secret
open secrets
open sesame
open sesames
open set
open sets
open shop
open sight
open skull fracture
open society
open someone's eyes
open source
open sourced
open sources
open sourcing

Literary usage of Open secret

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An American Glossary by Richard Hopwood Thornton (1912)
"1881 It is an open secret that [Sargent, of California] has long been in " cahoot" with ex-Governor Shepherd.—Philadelphia Record, Feb. 8. ..."

2. The Secret of a Happy Home by Marion Harland (1896)
"AN open secret. Some one asked me the other day, if I were not "weary of being so often put forward to talk of 'How to Make Home Happy,' a subject upon ..."

3. Essays and Phantasies by James Thomson (1881)
"open secret SOCIETIES. 1865. I. INSCRIBED upon the banners of the grandest Secret Societies recorded in history, as at once their motto and their ..."

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